Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Common Vegetables That Stop Cancer

Time and time again we see evidence that certain plants hold natural abilities to kill cancer cells, or at the very least stave off cancer, without the serious side effects so often attributed to laboratory created drugs. Could it be these plants were put here as a gift to heal our bodies and our planet?

Backed by thousands of fully documented clinical studies and research papers regarding their ingredients, Parsley and Celery are just two of the everyday plants found in produce aisles and farmer’s markets that may one day save your life. Together they provide a fabulous source of nutrients and natural chemicals to boost and moderate one’s immune system, strengthen bones, relieve joint pain, relax stiff muscles, protect against aging, improve kidney and liver functions, reduce inflammation, protect against neurodegenerative disorders, reduce free-radicals, reduce bad cholesterol, improve bowel movements, moderate blood pressure, reduce urinary and gall bladder stones, improve urinary infections, boost liver enzymes to detox the body, kill cancer cells, and prevent cancer from spreading. It this fascinating cancer research regarding parsley, celery, and their component parts that we will explore.

In 2008 a clinical trial in Germany found that with regular use of just 10mg of apigenin, a natural flavonoid found abundantly in parsley and celery plus 10mg of EGCG, a polyphenol from green tea, the recurrence rate of colorectal cancer was dramatically reduced. In 2006 it was confirmed that apigenin inhibited the growth of pancreatic cancer cells and could possibly prevent pancreatic cancer. A research paper in 2010 makes a strong case for the use of apigenin as a cancer-preventing agent; along with suggesting it could work equally well to prevent cardiovascular and neurological disorders. Another study in 2012 regarding ovarian cancer suggested that apigenin could inhibit tumor metastasis. And a study in 2015 suggests apigenin may be effective at treating and preventing breast cancer.

In relation to prostate cancer there have been a plethora of studies confirming mechanisms where apigenin kills cancer cells and impedes cancer’s growth. A 2007 study determined that apigenin kills prostate cancer cells by activation of the p53 suppression protein, and by reactive oxygen species (ROS) generation that resulted in disruption of the mitochondrial membrane in cancer cells. This is especially interesting because it may imply apigenin would be an effective complimentary treatment alongside artusenate, marijuana, and EGCG protocols. In 2008 a study found that apigenin inactivates the Akt signaling pathway effectively killing prostate small cell carcinoma. Additional research in 2009 found that apigenin inhibited IGF-1 and IGF-1R (insulin like growth factor) leading to prostate cancer cell death. A study in 2013 showed that apigenin suppressed prostate cancer progression.[ix] In 2014 it was determined that apigenin stops inhibitor proteins from preventing a prostate cancer cell’s natural death cycle. And further research in 2016 suggests apigenin could prevent growth and migration of cancer cells, even cancer stem cells, throughout the body. The true beauty of these studies is they support apigenin as a multi-pathway treatment process exhibiting broad anti-cancer effects.

One has to wonder
what it will take to for our scientific and medical communities
to fully research and implement
nature-based, low side effect, affordable cancer treatments
such as apigenin along with the many other available options?

These studies are but a tiny touch of the vast quantity of documentation showing apigenin’s positive and proactive results in relation to cancer. Study after study has confirmed apigenin’s potential as a preventative and therapeutic agent for prostate, breast, cervical, colon, hematologic, lung, ovarian, skin, thyroid, endometrial, gastric, liver, adrenal, and neuroblastoma cancers. Yet full clinical trials for its approval by the FDA, and other agencies, have been lacking because there’s simply no financial return. The stuff is just too darn cheap and readily available, so no one wants to put up the tens of millions required for the necessary clinical trials. You see apigenin is abundantly available from the foods, herbs, and spices we eat everyday. It’s found in parsley, celery, peppermint, thyme, rutabagas, bell peppers, artichokes, iceberg lettuce, chamomile tea, grapefruit, onions, cilantro, licorice, flax, and more. With two of its most abundant sources coming from parsley leaves and celery leaves. For instance, a small 100-gram bunch of raw Italian parsley holds about 300mg of apigenin. The same is true for around 100g of celery tops with leaves, though the celery stalks hold much less apigenin at approximately 4.6mg per 100 grams. Dried parsley leaves may be one of the easiest and more abundant sources of apigenin with approximately 325mg of apigenin contained within a single teaspoon of the spice.

There are even apigenin pills available as supplements. For instance, Swanson puts out a 50 mg Apigenin pill available on Amazon.com and through other sources. So why not just take an apigenin pill and be protected from cancer. The problem with this comes from a possible issue of less bioavailability, along with the lack of other important nutrients and chemicals found in parsley and celery that work synergistically to heal cancer. Parsley and celery contain many rich antioxidants such as vitamins – A, B1, B2, B6, C, K, beta-carotene, and quercetin. They also contain multiple flavonoids such as apigenin, luteolin, and chrysoroil each attacking cancer in different ways. Then there’s chlorophyll to deactivate carcinogens, and polyactylenes such as falcorinol, plus volatile oils such as myristicin, crisoeriol, and apiin; all having anti-cancer properties. And studies have shown that when these are ingested together from the entire plant complex found in parsley and celery, the apigenin is more stable and better absorbed.

Taking this all into consideration, let’s take a look at some practical options for acquiring effective amounts of apigenin through the use of parsley and celery to improve our health and possibly prevent or treat cancer. The key to remember here is it may not take much apigenin to be effective. Remember the successful study mentioned above using only 10mg of apigenin and 10mg of EGCG? Many researchers believe it’s not the amount of the dose but the continued application over time that makes for successful treatment. Then there are side effects to consider. Did you know you could eat too much parsley? For that matter too much of any food can be unhealthy, and some foods reach that threshold quicker than others. Then there’s the fact that everyone’s body reacts differently pending on their overall health and what other substances they ingest at the same time. So in determining how much parsley or celery to ingest we need to first look at any possible side effects.

Parsley and celery contain oxalates that could damage or be hard on an unhealthy kidney, liver, or gall bladder. Parsley could increase blood pressure whereas celery could decrease it. Too much parsley and celery may also interfere with thyroid function so those with hypothyroid issues should use these carefully and consult their doctor. Parsley is not recommended for women on hormone replacement therapy or who are pregnant. Too much of these could abort a pregnancy. Nor should it be used within 2 weeks of surgery. And certain chemotherapy drugs are either reduced in their effectiveness or improved with parsley, celery, or apinenin therapy. Parsley and celery also contain natural diuretics, laxatives, and stress reducers. Pending on circumstances this can be a good thing but too much can be a problem. For instance an overabundance of these could result in headaches, lack of equilibrium, and disorientation. Finally some people are allergic to parsley and celery. The best advice I can provide here, before embarking on any regime that uses a lot of any one food or spice, be sure to consult with a medical professional; and in this case reviewing your health with a naturopath who truly understands parsley and celery would be best.

With all this said the question becomes, how much does one use in relation to cancer. Unfortunately, much to our disgrace, there have not been the necessary comprehensive safety studies completed to determine maximum safe amounts. But we do have some limited information. Regarding parsley, some sources suggest one can safely eat up to 6 grams per day, while another source suggests up to 50 grams per meal is safe. There do not appear to be suggestions regarding maximum amounts of celery unless one is pregnant. And users and medical professionals generally consider Apigenin safe for healthy adults, though I find no ruling from the FDA. Studies completed on mice suggest apigenin at a dose of 50mg per kg of body weight to be safe, with toxicity not starting until 100mg per kg of body weight was reached. Of course these numbers may not apply to a human but they certainly suggest a dose of 100mg to 200mg per day for a healthy person could be well within the safe range. Then too remember, it’s no so much the quantity of apigenin but the continued application. With all this information in mind, I believe the following regime could be a good starting point for anyone dealing with cancer if you are considering supplementation with parsley and celery for the apigenin. Remember this is only a suggested approach for you to discuss with your medical professional.

1) Daily, except for smoothie days, ingest one-quarter to one-third teaspoon of Certified Organic Dried Parsley Flakes mixed with a meal.

2) Two days per week, about 3 days apart, drink an anti-cancer raw vegetable smoothie:

In high-speed blender place the following ‘raw’ ingredients:
• One Half+ cup water
• Two Organic Celery stalks with as much Leafy Top Material as possible
• 6 to 8 sprigs of Organic Italian Parsley
• One Half Organic Red Apple with peel
• One Medium size Organic Carrot
• One Quarter small Red Organic Beet
• Three ice cubes
Blend until smooth and drink immediately
This smoothie is best ingested in the morning due to its potential diuretic and detox properties. You may also need to reduce beet use until you are accustomed to its detoxing effects.

Note: The raw organic carrot provides carotenoids, polyphenols, polyacetylenes, vitamins, and minerals that are believed to have antioxidant, anti-cancer, and immune enhancing properties. One of the strongest of these to inhibit cancer cells is falcarinol. The raw organic beet helps to detox the liver while providing natural betacyanins and betalains. Betanin, a highly researched betalain, has been found to have anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, detoxifying, and anti-cancer characteristics. Studies have shown betanin to impede cancer cell growth for breast, prostate, colon, stomach, lung, and testicular cancers. The effectiveness of falcarinol and betanin quickly disappears when vegetables are cooked. The apple has many nutrients to fight cancer. And a 2010 study suggests that the apple peel may be the most effective part as both a preventative and antiproliferative against cancer by activating a tumor suppressor gene called maspin. YouTube has an interesting video about apple peels killing cancer cells.

I hope this provides you with good ideas in relation to preventing and treating cancer through nature-based, low side effect, affordable means. It’s important to note that cancer is both crafty and tenacious. Most everyone will agree, to truly cure cancer a multi-faceted approach is needed. Please consider this information as only one of the many nature-based tools available to prevent and partially treat cancer.

For unique information on Alternative Nature Based Cancer Treatments
for the multiple forms of cancer,
read my newest book: Timely Proposal To Cure Cancer
available on Amazon.com at: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01KEGLZY4

For a comprehensive understanding of Prostate Cancer
focused on Prevention, Diagnosis and Treatment options read:
Release Prostate Cancer Now!
available on Amazon.com at: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00W6CEEUM

1 comment:

  1. I am 29 years old and I was diagnosis of Breast cancer, easy well and have a similar story except my first acceptance as a Herbal medicine denials. I wasn’t into the movement Perseid and didn’t establish connections with any of them really, just had faith in believing how they work. I say this because it was during using Dr Itua herbal medicine i now then testify herbal medicine is real, Dr Itua herbal medicine cure my breast cancer I was suffering from for 2 years. Dr Itua herbal medicine is made of natural herbs which has no side effect and is easy to drink as well. Contact Dr Itua herbal Center if you are suffering from the same Breast Cancer or any kind of human Diseases including....HIV/AIDS, HERPES COLORECTAL CANCER, BLADDER CANCER, PROSTATE CANCER, KIDNEY CANCER, LUNG CANCER, SKIN CANCER, UTERINE CANCER, LEUKEMIA, VIRUS, HEPATITIS, WOMEN/MEN INFERTILITY, LOVE SPELL,LOTTERY SPELL. HIS CONTACT EMAIL/WHATSAPP: drituaherbalcenter@gmail.com/+2348149277967
